Sunday, December 17, 2017

Some of Both

Gorgeous wet snow last weekend.

Chocolate cocoa espresso cookies I made while stuck inside.

Androsace under snow this week.

Butter cookies decorated by the kids today.

It's feeling seasonal around here.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Bulking Up

Many of my little friends have bulked up this season.  While not flashy out of bloom, I love the variety of form in the alpines.  Above is arenaria 'Wallowa Mts.'

a baby saponaria pumilio

saxifraga 'Pluto'

arenaria sp. antennaria dioica 'Nyewoods'

draba siberica

acantholimon capitum

haberlea rhodopensis

saxifraga longifolia

erigeron scopulinus

erigeron linarifolia

draba lasiocarpa

Sleep well this winter, little guys.