Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I. Love. This. Plant.

Asperula gussonii, a Sweet Woodruff relative, has slowly spread into a nice mat in this trough.  It seems to love its free-draining, hot location.  It's super tough and woody...

but blooms so daintily.  It's a quiet beauty.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Trough Season

A group of troughs on our deck.

Yes, our neighbor's house is ten feet away.  It can lead to uncomfortable moments when we're both on our decks.  Luckily our most recent neighbors on that side seemed to despise their backyard.

Silene caroliniana is gorgeous this week.  The gnome appeared in the trough one day when my young son was out with the neighbors at a nursery.  

Gnomes happen.  I'll get over it.

A Home Depot saxifrage.

One of my favorite sights in spring: the dwarf conifers pumping out fresh growth.  This one is hemlock 'Cole's Prostrate'.

The doublefile viburnum is booming right now, despite the drizzle.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Yellow and Blue

Blue veronica and yellow dwarf yew.

Mother's Day Bouquet

The Mother's Day bouquet for my wife that my seven year-old daughter and I sleepily picked before I'd had any coffee.

The flowers felt so random in my hands but came together in the vase.  

Looking at it one can tell what month, almost what week, it is outside in the garden.