These gorgeous tulips (tulipa humilis 'Odalisque') fried out in last week's heat before I could even get a beauty shot. They weren't open in the morning when I left for work, but were crisp when I got home. And it's supposed to be 26 degrees tonight. Weather whiplash.
These scilla siberica 'Spring Beauty' look as great with the chartreuse dwarf acorus as I hoped they would. Sometimes I get it right.
This arabis blehparophylla (from Home Depot!) loves being in the trough. It's compatriot died a quick death in the ground last year. Drainage, drainage, drainage.
Arabis alp. caucasica 'Snowball'
leucojeum aestivum 'Gravetye Giant'
These varmints were tearing it up in the garden yesterday.