Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sometimes I get It Right

Arabis alp. caucasica 'Snowball' in a trough
Trough with Tulipa humilis 'Odalisque', chamaecyparis obtusa 'Golden Sprite' on right, asperula gussonii behind, and aubrieta 'argenteovariegata' just coming into lavender bloom on left.  Narcissus 'Baby Moon' were supposed to be in the blank gravel spot but they never came up in this, their first year.  A little digging will provide some answers soon.
Entrance into the back garden: my lovely wife's lovely peonies coming on fast, mixed daffs under the bare ninebark, a nice purple helleborus orientalis, hellebore 'White Beauty' in front, a couple pink ericas in the back bed.  I can't do much about the neighbors' houses, but wait for the trees to leaf out.

1 comment:

  1. Love the snowball in the trough. All you can do about neighbors is plant tall stuff at the fence line. We all do it!
