Sunday, April 29, 2012
THAT moment
I love that moment in spring when the trillium grandiflorum, iris cristata and brunnera macrophylla all bloom at once. The white with the blues is sooo tasteful. Rarely do I ever get it so right.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Time to Sell Some...
The driveway's getting full.
Copenhagen trough, 20 x 16 x 8" H, the smaller companion to the Helsinki and Oslo troughs.
This little rectangular trough (with separate feet) needs a cool name. It's about 16 x 13 x 8" H.
I'll be selling troughs at the Friends of the Freylinghuysen Plant Sale on May 4, 5 and 6 in Morristown, NJ. I'm taking out six different styles I think. I'm looking forward to talking to plant people for a couple days.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Spring Mash-Up
It shouldn't work, but it does: yellow narcissus, white arabis, pink arabis, purple iris...I never planned on all of these blooming at once...but I kind of like the exuberance.
This is a short rock wall that I built around the small bog we dug in the back garden. The native columbines seem to love it. This little vignette is a distillation of a crumbling roadside cliff about a mile from here. It's the same type of rock, and blooms orange with columbines this time of year. I'm worried that I'll crash into it one day as I gawk at the columbines in bloom. My little garden example can't compare, but it still satisfies because it reminds me of the inspiration.
Tasteful fothergilla
Daphne x burkwoodii 'Carol Mackie". So yummy this time of year.
Rain please????
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Spring's Small Stuff
This little collection of troughs sits at the entrance to our back garden. I always think of them as a kind of movie poster in the theater lobby, a preview of what's to come in the garden.
Erythronium dens-canis, the dog tooth violets, making a good show after a few years.
Tulipa 'Lady Jane'. I love love love this tulip. It's beautiful before and during bloom. I think I planted 8 or 10 bulbs about 5 years ago. They seem to be happy.
Fritillaria uva-vulpis. These graceful lovelies are happy in the wet area on the edge of the bog. Most of them survived the stomping of last week's underage birthday party guests.
Bloodroot coming up in the midst of iris. It always looks like a fungus to me and I think "oh no! before I realize what it is.
Fothergilla 'Mt Airy' budding out in front of the rose trellis. Yum.
Hosta 'Sagae'. It's a big one later on.
Cheery spring mix. The peonies will take over when the daffs and hellebores fade. That Carol Mackie daphne in the background deserves a post of its own when it blooms.
Lots of hypertufa troughs are fully cured and unwrapped, or very close. More on that later.